Hello Bladers!
Today I began with more testing on Phantom Cancer SA165EWD against some taller heights. It did pretty decent. Not great, not bad, just decent. It went about 50-50 with Duo 230D, which is actually quite impressive seeing as my Duo usually wrecks my Phantoms (well, it doesn't totally wreck them, but it'll still win 9/10 times for the most part). But yah. I'm quite exited about this combo! I think it definitely has the makings of a competitive stamina custom.
Next thing I've got... and this one's gonna blow your mind... Phantom Cancer SR200TB. The. Thing. Is. A. Boss. This combo went to town on whatever I put it up against! I can't believe it did so well... like, this thing leaves Duo SR200TB coughing in the dust. 80% against Duo 230D, and 100% against 145-height stamina. It can precess mind-bogglingly smoothly for nearly twice as long as Duo near the end of a match, and overall it's just so much more efficient on the setup. Obviously it's gonna get trashed by Attack, but this custom is one heck of a stamina type in my book after what I saw today. If we've got Duo SR200TB for top-tier, then IMO this needs to go right up there ASAP.
Third thing, and this is a little long... I decided to do some MF comparisons for competitive stamina types. I've always heard different people saying different things about different metal faces on different customs, and needless to say what I heard was quite inconsistent. So, I set about testing it myself.
The "control" beyblade I used to compare everything against was Death Aquario AD145WD. I wanted something that was OK so that the wins would be prominent enough so that I could actually compare the Stamin types, rather than having top-tier Stamina against top-tier Stamina (tie after tie after tie after tie...), or having something that would be utterly obliterated by everything. Basically it was easier to see which was best against something that wasn't amazing or horrible, but in between.
Anyway, I did one D-series setup for Phantom and Duo, and one B-series setup for each as well. I would assume that the results would be very similar, if not exactly identical, to other D/B series setups since they behave the same for the most part. I did a few rounds of testing for each, always launching the control beyblade second.
Duo Cancer W145WD:
Normal Face: Obviously did very well. Smooth precession, low recoil (duh, it's Duo), and an overall competitive performance.
MF-H: Er... not very good at all. Actually lost on a couple occasions, and the times it won were never by much at all. Seriously noticeable how much worse this is than a normal face.
MF-M: Eh... pretty darn awful. Not quite as bad as MF-H, but definitely still worse than Normal Face.
MF-L: Quite impressive, actually. Hard to define whether or not it was any worse than a Normal face, but I would say a Normal face is ever so slightly better.
Conclusion: NF>MF-L>MF-M>MF-H
Duo Cancer SR200TB:
Normal Face: Pretty good. Nice precession, overall clean performance.
MF-H: Eh... not too great. Unfortunately this proved a bit ineffective. The precession was much shorter and more wobbly, and overall it didn't do too great.
MF-M: Oh my goodness... terrible. I know some people like this, but I just got absolutely nothing out of it.
MF-L: There we go... that's some great stamina! Noticeably better than a normal face, far better than either of the other two options. This is the way to go with Duo SR200TB.
Conclusion: MF-L>NF>MF-H>MF-M
Phantom Cancer W145WD:
Normal Face: Pretty good. Definitely a decent option with this custom. Average performance.
MF-H: Kinda, sorta, well, not good at all. The combo just lost a ton of its pure stamina when I switched up to a Metal-Face-Heavy. I would not reccomend using MF-H on any Phantom stamina custom.
MF-M: Not as bad as MF-H, but still couldn't come very close to a Normal Face. Wobbled a bit early.
MF-L: BOOM! That's what I'm talkin' about! Very, very noticeable increase in stamina. Spun 3 or 4 times as long after the match was over compared to a Normal Face. Miles ahead of all the other Faces I tried.
Conclusion: MF-L>NF>MF-M>MF-H
Phantom Cancer SR200TB:
Normal Face: Unbelievable... just amazing. Stunning performance compared to the other variants of MF.
MF-H: Er, yah, no. Not up to the standard IMO. Just didn't have the endurance or smooth precession that a Normal Face had.
MF-M: *Throws up* No, no, no, no, NO. I can't stress how much worse this was compared to Normal Face. This was literally like a full minute difference in spin time if I were to estimate. Never use this face on Phantom SR200.
MF-L: Quite refreshing after watching MF-M. Not quite up there with the Normal Face, but still certainly impressive.
Conclusion: NF>MF-L>MF-H>MF-M
Overall, on most stamina types, MF-H and MF-M are a bad idea IMO. I know some people like them on MB, but, that being balance, you're not going for endurance necessarily. I would see which of MF-L and Normal Face you like on your Stamina, and then go from there.
Thanks for reading guys!
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