Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Random stuff...

I didn't do much testing since the last post, but I tried a couple things so I guess I'll go ahead and post about them.

The first thing I did was I sat down and thought about what would happen if I put a bulky synchrome  on a heavy setup, and tried it against a stamina type. My first though went to the classic MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB. Anywho, I was looking for a synchrom that would imitate Basalt. A tad bit of aggression, a decent ammount of stamina, and a thick, solid structure. My mind immediately went to, obviously, Reviser. Didn't work to well. Not enough punch in it. Basalt, back when it was used, was able to deliver a little bit of a jolt or grind against other stamina types (Hence Basalt R145RF KOing the stamina meta of the time). I didn't get this with Revizer. Genbull, too round and thin. Wyvang, not enough stamina. Saramanda? Well, I actually thought about this one, and I guess it might actually work pretty well, but my brain was yelling KILLERKEN!

Anyway, I went with Killerken Killerken BD145MB. Much better. Actually KOed Duo W145WD a couple times, and out-spun 50-60% of the time. I would imagine it having far superior defense in any case. BD145MB has (or was once supposed to have) a certain defensive synergy with Basalt. If this is true with Killerken (which I actually kind of doubt, the attackers today being heavy-hitting anough to hit 80% against competitive defense), it would be quite the balance custom. I'm quite interested in this thing, and I'll probably try it out a few times more over this next week, and I may have some commentary on attack testing in a couple days. I think it may have potential.

The second thing I did was something I've been thinking about for a while... E230 spin-equalization. I mean, it's mind-destroying to watch E230's incredible Life After Death every time I do testing with Girago Genbull E230MB, and not try to make some kind of spin stealer out of it. Well, I tried. WD, fail. EWD, no way. BWD... *facepalm.* Then I got to something weird... TB. Twin ball has an unbelievable ability to precess at the end of a match for an incredibly long period of time. It's hilarious how smoothly this thing can just wobble around. A loss of balance at the end of a match for TB doesn't mean much. Anyway, similar to the idea of MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165EWD (attack mode), TB lined up almost perfectly with E230's edge, so that when the Beyblade reached a certain elevation, E230 just took over. Unfortunately, by the time this kicked in MF-H Duo Cancer E230TB was just at too steep an angle to steal spin efficiently. It can actually do decently against some things, but SA165EWD /BWD/W145WD/EWD is a better option in just about every way IMO.

So yah... this basically shuts down the idea of E230 spin-steal for me. I think this Killerken thing might work really well, but I still need to try it out a bit more. Thanks for reading!

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